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Department of Chemistry

National Centres for Doctoral Training

Our Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) provide training and research to address complex industrial challenges.

Studentships are available to applicants from a wide range of science and engineering backgrounds. These four year programmes include taught and technical components with professional skills training, as well as a PhD level research project. Industrial partners play an active role in shaping and delivering the training.

Advanced Biomedical Materials CDT

Undertake a fully-funded, four-year EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) PhD in Advanced Biomedical Materials and form part of a strong, internationally leading cohort of interdisciplinary researchers that will help shape the future of biomedical materials research in the UK, and further afield.

Visit the ABM CDT website

Advanced Metallic Systems CDT

The Advanced Metallic Systems CDT was established in 2009 with a £6.3m investment from the EPSRC. The Centre is hosted jointly by the Universities of Sheffield and Manchester and builds on their international reputations in metallic materials science and engineering research. Teaching novel metallic materials and engineering solutions are essential to the success of a wide range of sectors including aerospace, automotive, oil and gas, defence and renewable energy.

Visit the Advanced Metallic Systems CDT website

Aerosol Science CDT

The EPSRC CDT in Aerosol Science is being led by the University of Bristol in partnership with six other institutions of which The University of Manchester is one. The CDT is multidisciplinary, bringing together researchers across the physical, environmental and health sciences, and engineering.

Visit the Aerosol Science CDT website

AI CDT in Decision Making for Complex Systems

Led by Dr Mauricio A Álvarez, this UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Decision Making for Complex Systems is a 4-year programme that will educate the next generation of AI researchers to develop and deploy new machine learning models, which can efficiently cope with uncertainty in complex systems.

Visit the AI in Decision Making for Complex Systems CDT website

BioDesign Engineering CDT

The EPSRC CDT in BioDesign Engineering is being led by Imperial College London in partnership with The University of Manchester and University College London. This CDT will integrate data science alongside engineering and biology as the three key pillars of the training platform.

Visit the BioDesign Engineering CDT website

EPSRC CDT in Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing (CSM)

The CDT will support postgraduate students to develop advanced knowledge and skills in compound semiconductor technology. It is a collaboration between Cardiff, Manchester, Sheffield and UCL and 24 industry partners with established expertise in CS disciplines and is open to those with a background in physics or engineering. Applications are now being accepted for 12-13 places in the 2021 intake.

Visit the CSM CDT website

Future Innovation in Non-Destructive evaluation (FIND) CDT

The FIND EPSRC CDT is being led by the University of Bristol in partnership with five institutions including The University of Manchester. This is a continuation of the previous CDT in Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation that ran until 2018.

Visit the FIND CDT website

Graphene NOWNANO (CDT in Science and Applications of Graphene and Related Nanomaterials)

Established in 2013 with EPSRC funding and now supported by The University of Manchester and industry, the Graphene NOWNANO CDT offers PhD training in science and applications of the fast-growing family of 2D materials. Working closely with the NGI and GEIC, the CDT offers a unique environment combining academic research and opportunities for innovation.

Visit the Graphene NOWNANO CDT website

Integrated Catalysis CDT

Our fully-funded, four-year EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) PhD in Integrated Catalysis (iCAT) will train students in process engineering, chemical catalysis and biological catalysis, connecting these disciplines and helping to transform the way molecules are made.

Visit the iCAT CDT website

Nuclear Energy - GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear) CDT

The GREEN CDT is a consortium of the five universities of Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield, which aims to train the next generation of expert nuclear scientists and engineers.

Visit the Nuclear Energy - GREEN website